All original high resolution graphics, optimized for touch screens
All buttons, switches, and dials in iControl DCS are fully interactive. In both directions! Flip a switch on the iPad, the switch flips in-sim. Flip a switch in-sim, the switch will be instantly updated on the device to match!
Supports multiple devices so you can use multiple screens at the same time
Swipe gestures for navigation between screens
Automatic server discovery, zero configuration on the iPad is required
Fully functional CDU - All 65 buttons, and live display
Slew and Coolie Hat for tap-to-target while in the single MFCD view (Screenshot)
Interactive radio stack
All switches and buttons required to do a cold ramp start (Screenshot)
It is strongly recommended that you try the free option prior to making any purchases. Visit the server help page to get started setting up the server.
Requires DCS Virtual Cockpit Server to be installed on your PC to communicate with the simulator